What makes CAE Integration different? The company name is short for:
Computer Automated Engineering Integration
When developing your manufacturing test solution, our approach starts by leveraging the work you have already done. Your CAD/CAE/ERP environment contains a great deal of work you have put into your product already, but these systems don’t understand your next problem. We tap into these resources to reuse your own expertise and save you money when developing test solutions for you.
We start with a complete testability review of your product or design, leveraging structural test wherever possible. Often a critical or cutting-edge feature required functional test. We can automate these into your existing test platform or our own software platform we call Universal Functional Test (UFT). This is a modular software test framework written in Tcl/TK w/Expect, two high level languages developed for the express purposes of making middleware quick to write and communicating with real-world hardware over serial interfaces. CAE Integration has a library of interfaces and test routines that we have been accumulating since 2007 that make UFT test programs quick to develop and debug.
Combining all this with our onsite 3D printing and machining capabilities we can provide complete turnkey test solutions quickly.
Don't have a test and quality database solution? The standard recordkeeping from UFT tests interfaces to our General SQL Repair (GSR) database system for trending, failure analysis, and compliance with FDA Device History Recording.